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  • Long Live Wivi Lonn!


    Atrium in No.55 Building at Nishi Waseda Campus, Waseda University

    We promoted the same title exhibition to Japan which had been held in Museum of Finnish Architecture in Helsinki in Fin...

    Xover Architecture


    Gallery at Technical Universität Berlin

    Focusing the preservation and rebirth of historical remains, this exhibition was held to reveal the concept of “Xover ...

    Synesthesia Scenery

    12nd -26th.Oct.2022

    Bauhaus University

     Focusing on the age of the foundation of Bauhaus University which was the first college of the modern architectural edu...

    Nation of Sorrow


    Learning Center at Aalto University in Finland

    Focusing the design in the age of National Romanticism in Finland from the exhibition “Unity Architecture”, this exhibit...

    Unity Architecture

    20th -26th .Sep.2021

    Metsä Pavilion at Embassy of Finland, Tokyo

    Focusing National Romanticism in early 20c, age of the independence of Finland, this exhibition was held for its re-dis...

    Blue Infrastructure Making The City


    Re-Soko Gallery (Shibaura, Toun Building No.3)

    With the background of “Tokyo Coastal Theory” written by Taishi Watanabe, this exhibition was held to propose the figur...